最強の英単語集1冊目 [sc](★0)
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- 2015/02/10(火) 14:04:52.40
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- 2015/09/19(土) 12:20:50.25
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- 2015/11/04(水) 22:17:45.42
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- 2015/12/05(土) 11:51:51.36
742 :名無しさん@Next2ch:2015/12/03(木) 12:49:39.60 ID:???0
38 :名無しさん@Next2ch:2015/12/01(火) 15:11:46.27 ID:???0
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- 2015/12/26(土) 10:45:00.44
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- 2020/01/07(火) 19:10:03.00
white Australia policy : 白豪主義。
オーストラリアは90年代前半には総人口の 4.5%がアジア系統人口で占められるまでになり,
多民族共生社会を実現した多文化主義 (マルチ・カルチャリズム) の国家として知られるようになった。
apartheid : (もと隔離の意) 南アフリカ共和国の有色人種差別政策。1993年に全面廃止。
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- 2020/08/19(水) 18:52:27.78
traditional : following ideas and methods that have existed for a long time, rather than doing anything new or different.
liberal : not opposed to new ideas or ways of behaving that are not traditional or widely accepted.
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- 2020/12/15(火) 12:50:57.45
instinct : a natural desire or tendency that makes you want to act in a particular way.
a way of behaving, thinking, or feeling that is not learned.
induction : a kind of reasoning that uses particular examples
in order to reach a general conclusion about something.
deduction : a conclusion or opinion that is based on logic or reason.
intuition : the ability to understand or know something
because of a feeling rather than by considering the facts.
insight : the ability to understand people and situations in a very clear way.
an understanding of the true nature of something.
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- 2021/01/26(火) 20:13:33.21
discernment : the ability to see and understand people, things, or situations clearly and intelligently.
discern : to see, hear, or notice (something) with difficulty or effort.
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- 2021/10/04(月) 12:28:15.77
theoretical : 理論的な
logical : 論理的な
theoretical : relating to what is possible or imagined rather than to what is known to be true or real.
relating to the general principles or ideas of a subject rather than the practical uses of those ideas.
logical : seeming reasonable and sensible.
using a thinking process in which facts and ideas are connected in a correct way.
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- 2022/01/16(日) 13:15:33.43
"bird of prey"は, 「獲物の鳥」ではなくて「獲物を捕食する鳥 (猛禽類)」
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- 2022/03/15(火) 12:33:24.14
ahead of time : 事前に
ahead of us : これから先
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- 2022/03/28(月) 15:30:07.17
#Belarus #Lukashenko #exclusive
【独自】「ロシアを支援するのはベラルーシだけ」ルカシェンコ大統領 インタビュー全編
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- 2022/05/30(月) 22:06:30.81
since : from a particular time or event in the past until the present,
or in that period of time.
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- 2022/05/30(月) 22:38:26.89
from : starting at a particular time.
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- 2022/06/03(金) 19:10:21.20
after dark : 日没後。 「暗がりの後(明るくなって)」ではない
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- 2022/06/09(木) 12:33:19.08
unlike : (形容詞) 似ていない
unlikely : (形容詞) ありそうもない
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- 2022/06/24(金) 12:33:31.37
successive : 連続する
successful : 好結果の
lightning : 稲妻
lighting : 照明
perceptible : 知覚可能な
perceptive : 洞察力の鋭い
perceptual : 知覚の,知覚による
take over : 引き継ぐ
overtake : (人,車を)追い越す
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- 2022/06/30(木) 18:47:15.86
neurology : 神経学
neuroscience : 神経科学
neurology : the scientific study of the nervous system and its diseases.
neuroscience : the scientific study of nerves and especially of how nerves affect learning and behavior.
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- 2022/07/11(月) 12:26:18.18
pull out : to drive onto a road from another road or from where you have stopped.
pull off : to drive a car off a road in order to stop, or to turn into a smaller road.
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- 2022/07/15(金) 19:14:40.95
literary : 文学の
literal : 意味が文字通りの
literate : 読み書きができる
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- 2022/07/15(金) 21:27:29.40
literary : (形容詞) 文学の
literally : (副詞) 文字どおりに,逐語的に
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- 2022/07/22(金) 18:12:43.49
dispassionate : not influenced or affected by emotions.
impassioned : showing or feeling very strong emotions.
impassive : not showing emotion.
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- 2022/07/24(日) 12:16:02.53
exaggerate : to make something seem better, larger, worse etc than it really is.
exasperate : to make someone very angry or annoyed.
exacerbate : to make a bad situation worse.
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- 2022/07/24(日) 17:55:54.61
dove : 飛んだ
dove : 白鳩
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- 2022/07/30(土) 12:20:20.45
tear ['ti?] : (noun) a drop of liquid that comes from your eyes especially when you cry.
tear ['te?] : (verb) to separate (something) into parts by pulling it, cutting it, etc.
polish ['p?:li?] : (verb) to make something smooth, bright, and shiny by rubbing it.
Polish ['pouli?] : (noun) the language of Poland.
(adj) relating to Poland, its people, or its language.
appropriate [?'proupri?t] : (adj)
appropriate [?'proupri?eit] : (verb)
use ['ju:z] : (verb)
use ['ju:s] : (noun)
conduct [k?n'd?kt] : (verb)
conduct ['k?:n?d?kt] : (noun)
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- 2022/07/30(土) 12:23:32.21
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- 2022/07/30(土) 12:58:50.58
bee : ミツバチ
wasp : スズメバチ, ジガバチ
crow : ハシボソガラス, ハシブトガラス
raven : ワタリガラス
turtle : ウミガメ
tortoise : リクガメ
star : 恒星
planet : 惑星
clock : 掛け時計, 置き時計
watch : 腕時計, 携帯用の時計
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- 2022/08/26(金) 14:29:05.87
affect : (verb) to produce an effect on someone or something.
affection : (noun) a feeling of liking and caring for someone or something.
affectation : (noun) an unnatural form of behavior that is meant to impress others.
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- 2022/09/11(日) 18:51:54.14
sink, sank, sunk
think, thought, thought
thank, thanked, thanked
thunk : a dull, hollow sound made especially when a heavy object hits something.
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- 2022/09/16(金) 13:13:44.21
complexity : the state of being complicated.
complexion : the color or appearance of the skin especially on the face.
complication : something that makes something harder to understand, explain, or deal with.
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- 2022/09/22(木) 20:34:31.84
opt : (verb) to choose one thing or do one thing instead of another.
optic : (adj) relating to the eyes
optical : (adj) relating to machines or processes which are concerned with light, images, or the way we see things.
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- 2022/10/10(月) 19:36:12.34
precise : (adj) very accurate and exact.
precious : (adj) very valuable or important.
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- 2022/10/14(金) 19:38:14.88
variable : (adj) likely to change often.
valuable : (adj) worth a lot of money.
voluble : (adj) talking a lot or talking quickly.
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- 2022/10/18(火) 20:46:24.29
axle : (noun) the bar connecting two wheels on a car or other vehicle
axis : (noun) the imaginary line around which a large round object, such as the Earth, turns.
access : (noun) a way of getting near, at, or to something or someone.
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- 2022/10/18(火) 21:07:04.08
accelerator : the part of a car or other vehicle that you press with your foot to make it go faster.
(= gas pedal [American English] )
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- 2022/10/27(木) 19:32:37.65
judicial : (adj) relating to the law, judges, or their decisions.
judicious : (adj) done in a sensible and careful way.
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- 2022/10/27(木) 19:35:13.58
liberalize : (verb) to make a system, laws, or moral attitudes less strict.
liberate : (verb) to free someone from feelings or conditions that make their life unhappy or difficult.
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- 2022/11/01(火) 20:16:19.76
ascetic : (adj) living without any physical pleasures or comforts.
aesthetic : (adj) connected with beauty and the study of beauty.
anesthetic : (noun) a drug that causes a person to lose feeling and to feel no pain in part or all of the body.
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- 2022/11/07(月) 22:07:03.73
quart : (noun) a unit for measuring liquid, equal to two pints.
quartz : (noun) a hard mineral substance that is used in making electronic watches and clocks.
quarter : (noun) one of four equal parts into which something can be divided.
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- 2022/11/09(水) 21:01:26.64
rug : (noun) a piece of thick, heavy material that is used to cover usually a section of a floor.
rag : (noun) a piece of cloth that is old and no longer in good condition.
lug : (verb) to pull or carry something heavy with difficulty.
lag : (verb) to move or develop more slowly than others.
run : (verb) to move with your legs at a speed that is faster than walking.
ran : (verb) past tense of run.
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- 2022/11/09(水) 21:04:03.97
angle : (noun) the space between two straight lines or surfaces that join each other, measured in degrees.
angel : (noun) a spirit who is God's servant in heaven, and who is often shown as a person dressed in white with wings.
anger : (noun) a strong feeling of wanting to hurt or criticize someone
because they have done something bad to you or been unkind to you.
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- 2022/11/20(日) 20:18:36.86
cautious : (adj) careful about avoiding danger or risk.
conscious : (adj) awake and able to understand what is happening around you.
conscience : (noun) the part of your mind that tells you whether what you are doing is morally right or wrong.
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- 2022/11/29(火) 18:17:36.81
moral → moralize
morale → demoralize
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- 2022/11/29(火) 19:00:47.24
every second : 毎秒, 刻々と
every second month : 隔月に
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- 2022/12/11(日) 11:38:34.23
flown : (verb) past participle of fly.
flow : (verb) when a liquid, gas, or electricity flows, it moves in a steady continuous stream.
flower : (noun) a coloured or white part that a plant or tree produces before fruit or seeds.
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- 2022/12/17(土) 11:46:01.88
flown ['floun] : (verb) past participle of fly.
frown ['fraun] : (verb) to make an angry, unhappy, or confused expression, moving your eyebrows together.
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- 2022/12/17(土) 11:58:34.89
ledge : a narrow, flat surface that sticks out from a wall.
ledger : a book that a company uses to record information about the money it has paid and received.
ledger line : a line on which you write musical notes that are too high or low to be shown on a stave.
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- 2022/12/20(火) 12:46:12.58
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- 2022/12/25(日) 13:02:39.27
distinct : (adj) clearly different or belonging to a different type.
distinctive : (adj) having a special quality, character, or appearance that is different and easy to recognize.
distinguished : (adj) successful, respected, and admired.
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- 2022/12/28(水) 11:12:58.47
bystander : someone who watches what is happening without taking part.
standby : a person or thing that is available especially in emergencies.
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- 2022/12/31(土) 16:52:44.25
gradual : (adj) happening slowly over a long period of time.
graduate : (verb) to earn a degree or diploma from a school, college, or university.
punctual : (adj) arriving, happening, or being done at exactly the time that has been arranged.
punctuate : (verb) to use punctuation marks in a piece of writing.