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  • 1
  • 2015/01/10(土) 15:24:27.12

  • 29
  • 2022/07/30(土) 12:20:20.45
tear ['ti?] : (noun) a drop of liquid that comes from your eyes especially when you cry.
tear ['te?] : (verb) to separate (something) into parts by pulling it, cutting it, etc.

polish ['p?:li?] : (verb) to make something smooth, bright, and shiny by rubbing it.
Polish ['pouli?] : (noun) the language of Poland.
                     (adj) relating to Poland, its people, or its language.

appropriate [?'proupri?t] : (adj)
appropriate [?'proupri?eit] : (verb)

use ['ju:z] : (verb)
use ['ju:s] : (noun)

conduct [k?n'd?kt] : (verb)
conduct ['k?:n?d?kt] : (noun)

  • 30
  • 2022/07/30(土) 12:23:32.21

  • 31
  • 2022/07/30(土) 12:58:50.58
bee : ミツバチ
wasp : スズメバチ, ジガバチ

crow : ハシボソガラス, ハシブトガラス
raven : ワタリガラス

turtle : ウミガメ
tortoise : リクガメ

star : 恒星
planet : 惑星

clock : 掛け時計, 置き時計
watch : 腕時計, 携帯用の時計

  • 32
  • 2022/08/26(金) 14:29:05.87
affect : (verb) to produce an effect on someone or something.
affection : (noun) a feeling of liking and caring for someone or something.
affectation : (noun) an unnatural form of behavior that is meant to impress others.

  • 33
  • 2022/09/11(日) 18:51:54.14
sink,   sank,   sunk
think, thought, thought
thank, thanked, thanked
thunk : a dull, hollow sound made especially when a heavy object hits something.

  • 34
  • 2022/09/16(金) 13:13:44.21
complexity : the state of being complicated.
complexion : the color or appearance of the skin especially on the face.
complication : something that makes something harder to understand, explain, or deal with.

  • 35
  • 2022/09/22(木) 20:34:31.84
opt : (verb) to choose one thing or do one thing instead of another.
optic : (adj) relating to the eyes
optical : (adj) relating to machines or processes which are concerned with light, images, or the way we see things.

  • 36
  • 2022/10/10(月) 19:36:12.34
precise : (adj) very accurate and exact.
precious : (adj) very valuable or important.

  • 37
  • 2022/10/14(金) 19:38:14.88
variable : (adj) likely to change often.
valuable : (adj) worth a lot of money.
voluble : (adj) talking a lot or talking quickly.

  • 38
  • 2022/10/18(火) 20:46:24.29
axle : (noun) the bar connecting two wheels on a car or other vehicle
axis : (noun) the imaginary line around which a large round object, such as the Earth, turns.
access : (noun) a way of getting near, at, or to something or someone.

  • 39
  • 2022/10/18(火) 21:07:04.08
accelerator : the part of a car or other vehicle that you press with your foot to make it go faster.
                   (= gas pedal [American English] )

  • 40
  • 2022/10/27(木) 19:32:37.65
judicial   : (adj) relating to the law, judges, or their decisions.
judicious : (adj) done in a sensible and careful way.

  • 41
  • 2022/10/27(木) 19:35:13.58
liberalize : (verb) to make a system, laws, or moral attitudes less strict.
liberate  : (verb) to free someone from feelings or conditions that make their life unhappy or difficult.

  • 42
  • 2022/11/01(火) 20:16:19.76
ascetic   : (adj) living without any physical pleasures or comforts.
aesthetic : (adj) connected with beauty and the study of beauty.
anesthetic : (noun) a drug that causes a person to lose feeling and to feel no pain in part or all of the body.

  • 43
  • 2022/11/07(月) 22:07:03.73
quart   : (noun) a unit for measuring liquid, equal to two pints.
quartz  : (noun) a hard mineral substance that is used in making electronic watches and clocks.
quarter : (noun) one of four equal parts into which something can be divided.

  • 44
  • 2022/11/09(水) 21:01:26.64
rug : (noun) a piece of thick, heavy material that is used to cover usually a section of a floor.
rag : (noun) a piece of cloth that is old and no longer in good condition.

lug : (verb) to pull or carry something heavy with difficulty.
lag : (verb) to move or develop more slowly than others.

run : (verb) to move with your legs at a speed that is faster than walking.
ran : (verb) past tense of run.

  • 45
  • 2022/11/09(水) 21:04:03.97
angle : (noun) the space between two straight lines or surfaces that join each other, measured in degrees.
angel : (noun) a spirit who is God's servant in heaven, and who is often shown as a person dressed in white with wings.
anger : (noun) a strong feeling of wanting to hurt or criticize someone
                 because they have done something bad to you or been unkind to you.

  • 46
  • 2022/11/20(日) 20:18:36.86
cautious : (adj) careful about avoiding danger or risk.
conscious : (adj) awake and able to understand what is happening around you.
conscience : (noun) the part of your mind that tells you whether what you are doing is morally right or wrong.

  • 47
  • 2022/11/29(火) 18:17:36.81
moral   →    moralize
morale → demoralize

  • 48
  • 2022/11/29(火) 19:00:47.24
every second : 毎秒, 刻々と
every second month : 隔月に

  • 49
  • 2022/12/11(日) 11:38:34.23
flown  : (verb) past participle of fly.
flow    : (verb) when a liquid, gas, or electricity flows, it moves in a steady continuous stream.
flower : (noun) a coloured or white part that a plant or tree produces before fruit or seeds.

  • 50
  • 2022/12/17(土) 11:46:01.88
flown  ['floun] : (verb) past participle of fly.
frown ['fraun] : (verb) to make an angry, unhappy, or confused expression, moving your eyebrows together.

  • 51
  • 2022/12/17(土) 11:58:34.89
ledge : a narrow, flat surface that sticks out from a wall.
ledger : a book that a company uses to record information about the money it has paid and received.
ledger line : a line on which you write musical notes that are too high or low to be shown on a stave.

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  • a
  • 2022/12/20(火) 12:46:12.58

  • 53
  • 2022/12/25(日) 13:02:39.27
distinct  : (adj) clearly different or belonging to a different type.
distinctive : (adj) having a special quality, character, or appearance that is different and easy to recognize.
distinguished : (adj) successful, respected, and admired.

  • 54
  • 2022/12/28(水) 11:12:58.47
bystander : someone who watches what is happening without taking part.
standby : a person or thing that is available especially in emergencies.

  • 55
  • 2022/12/31(土) 16:52:44.25
gradual  : (adj) happening slowly over a long period of time.
graduate : (verb) to earn a degree or diploma from a school, college, or university.

punctual  : (adj) arriving, happening, or being done at exactly the time that has been arranged.
punctuate : (verb) to use punctuation marks in a piece of writing.

  • 56
  • 2023/01/04(水) 12:14:27.06
skies : (noun) the plural form of sky.
skis   : (noun) the plural form of ski.

  • 57
  • 2023/01/13(金) 12:23:56.42
globe : (noun) a round object with a map of the Earth drawn on it.
                  an object shaped like a ball.
globular : (adj) in the shape of a globule or a globe.
global    : (adj) involving the entire world.

  • 58
  • 2023/01/13(金) 12:41:32.77
quadruped  : (noun) an animal that has four feet.
pedestrian : (noun) a person who is walking in a city, along a road, etc.
pedestal    : (noun) the base on which a pillar or statue stands.

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  • 2023/01/13(金) 12:47:59.48
biped : (noun) an animal with two legs, such as a human.

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  • 2023/01/18(水) 19:05:59.58
effect : (verb) to make (something) happen.
           (noun) a change that results when something is done or happens.
affect : (verb) to produce an effect on (someone or something).

  • 61
  • 2023/01/18(水) 19:35:47.33
undertake : (verb) to accept that you are responsible for a piece of work, and start to do it.
overtake   : (verb) to move up to and past (someone or something that is in front of you) by moving faster.

  • 62
  • 2023/01/24(火) 12:30:41.60
cycle : a set of events or actions that happen again and again in the same order.
circle : a perfectly round shape.
rotation : the act or process of moving or turning around a central point.
circulation : the movement of blood around your body.
circular argument/logic/reasoning : an argument or way of thinking that is not right
    because the statement it uses to prove that the argument is true
                       can only be true if the original argument is already true.
convection : movement in a gas or liquid
                      in which the warmer parts move up and the colder parts move down.

  • 63
  • 2023/01/24(火) 12:36:16.74
deprive : (verb) to prevent someone from having something. (deprive someone of something)
prevent : (verb) to stop someone from doing something. (prevent someone from doing)

  • 64
  • 2023/01/24(火) 12:52:49.90
bread    : (noun) a baked food made from a mixture of flour and water.
breadth : (noun) the distance from one side of something to the other.
breath  : (noun) the air that you take into your lungs and send out from your lungs when you breathe.

  • 65
  • 2023/01/30(月) 19:25:19.38
thought   : (noun)(past tense and past participle of think.)
though    : (conjunction)(adv)
through   : (prep)(adv)(adj)
thorough : (adj)

  • 66
  • 2023/02/02(木) 19:10:32.50
transfigure : (verb) to change the way someone or something looks,
                 especially so that they become more beautiful.
transform : (verb) to completely change the appearance, form, or character of something or someone,
                 especially in a way that improves it.

  • 67
  • 2023/02/21(火) 13:34:05.12
in a day : 一日に, 一日で
in a daze : ぼうっとして

  • 68
  • 2023/03/02(木) 12:29:07.90
bun  : 小型の丸いパン
ban  : 禁止する
van  : 有蓋貨物自動車
barn : (農家の)納屋
burn : 燃える

  • 69
  • 2023/03/12(日) 10:55:44.52
heave  : (verb) to pull or lift something very heavy with one great effort.
heaven : (noun) the place where God lives and where good people go after they die according to some religions.
haven  : (noun) a place where you are protected from danger, trouble, etc.
have   : (verb) to own, use, or hold (something)

  • 70
  • 2023/03/17(金) 12:56:11.28
invaluable : (adj) extremely valuable or useful.
valueless : (adj) not useful or important.  without value or worth.

  • 71
  • 2023/03/18(土) 19:24:28.77
invaluable : (adj) extremely valuable or useful.
invariable : (adj) not variable.

  • 72
  • 2023/03/18(土) 19:29:23.69
variant : (noun) something that is slightly different from the usual form of something.
valiant : (adj) very brave, especially in a difficult situation.

  • 73
  • 2023/03/19(日) 12:13:33.54
additional : (adj) more than is usual or expected.
additive   : (noun) a substance that is added to food to improve its taste, appearance etc.
addictive  : (adj) causing a strong and harmful need to regularly have or do something.
                   very enjoyable in a way that makes you want to do or have something again.

  • 74
  • 2023/03/19(日) 19:38:13.36
analogy : (noun) something that seems similar between two situations, processes etc.
analog  : (noun) something that is similar to something else in design, origin, use, etc.

  • 75
  • 2023/03/26(日) 18:35:51.05
attitude : (noun) the opinions and feelings that you usually have about something.
altitude : (noun) the height of an object or place above the sea.
latitude : (noun) distance north or south of the equator measured in degrees up to 90 degrees.

  • 76
  • 2023/04/01(土) 13:02:28.27
arid    : (adj) very dry because it has very little rain.
arable : (adj) suitable for farming.

  • 77
  • 2023/04/04(火) 19:29:14.73
get around : to go or travel to different places.
get around something : to avoid something that is difficult or causes problems for you.
get around to something : to do something that you have been intending to do for some time.

  • 78
  • 2023/04/20(木) 12:27:03.77
lyric : (noun) the words of a song.
relic : (noun) an old object or custom that reminds people of the past or that has lived on from a past time.

  • 79
  • 2023/04/20(木) 12:42:59.70
mobile   : (adj) able to move from one place to another.
movable : (adj) able to be moved.



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