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  • 846
  • 2023/08/10(木) 10:22:16.57
Fewer than 5,000 steps a day enough to boost health - study

It has long been touted that 10,000 steps a day is the magic number you need to stay fit and healthy - but a new study shows fewer than 5,000 may be enough to see a benefit.

The analysis of more than 226,000 people around the world showed 4,000 was enough to start reducing the risk of dying prematurely of any cause.

Just over 2,300 is enough to benefit the heart and blood vessels.

The more you do, the more health benefits are seen, researchers said.

Every extra 1,000 steps beyond the 4,000 reduced the risk of dying early by 15% up to 20,000 steps.



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