■★▲DOSはまだ現役! Drive.C: [sc](★0)
- 26
- 2009/12/03(木) 00:53:19
VTDOS is a Japanese virtual DOS machine program
running on Win32 console, without using virtual 86 mode and NTVDM.
Therefore, VTDOS runs on EM64T or AMD64 that does not support v86mode.
Additionally, VTDOS supports V-TEXT(DOS/V Extension)(*).
VTDOS is made for using VZ Editor(Japanese famous text editor running on DOS)
and FD(Japanese famous File management program running on DOS)
on Windows NT Family(Especially, Windows Vista and 7).
OS: Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista/7(supports 64bit(EM64T/AMD64) Edition)
2.Emulation specification
CPU - nearly i80186, but supports HMA. so likely i80286 without protected mode.
TEXT - Supports V-TEXT(*) without graphic mode.
Unsupported: Graphic, PS/2 or AT mouse port, sound card,
serial port, parallel and more.
DOS Command interpreter - includes original shell,
and we can use COMMAND.COM of the PC(MS)-DOS/V J6.x.
Virtual HDD image file - not support. but direct reads or writes real HDD.
- After VTDOS starts, the screen resolution cannot be changed.
- Japanese input program for DOS cannot be used.
Instead, Japanese input method program for Windows can be used.
V-TEXT supports variable screen resolutions
and variable fonts in Japanese DOS.