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  • 169
  • 2012/05/29(火) 20:02:39.45

It is not that I judge people by their appearance , but it is true that I am fascinated by their faces.I do not stare in their presence.
I like to take the impression of a face home with me , there to stare at and chew over it in privacy , as a wild beast prefers to devour its prey in concealment.
As a mean of judging character it is a misleading practice. The misleading element , in fact , provides the essence of my satisfaction.
In the course of deciphering a face, its shape , tones, and lines , as if these were words and sentences of a message from the interior ,
I fix upon it a character which , though I know it to be distorted , never quite untrue , never entirely true , interests me.
I am as near the mark as myth is to history. I seek no justification for this habit ; it is one of the things I do.



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