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  • 77
  • 2012/08/16(木) 22:55:08.11
Anti-government protesters rally in Morocco - Africa - Al Jazeera English Last Modified: 12 Aug 2012 13:12

> Demonstrators accuse ruling party of not fulfilling its pledges to address social grievances and fight corruption.
> Hundreds of activists have rallied in Morocco's main cities to protest against corruption, the high cost of living
> and other causes of discontent.
> Rights groups, trade unionists and the February 20 protest movement had called the demonstrations, amid
> frustration at the perceived failure of the Islamist-led government to make good on its electoral promises.
> In Casablanca, Morocco's largest city, nearly 1,000 people gathered, chanting anti-corruption slogans, denouncing
> the sharp rise in prices, and calling for the release of jailed activists, a witness said. The protest ended without
> incident at midnight, an activist reported on social media.
> Around 300 people gathered near the main boulevard in Rabat, the capital, chanting slogans criticising Prime
> Minister Abdelilah Benkirane, and waving anti-government banners, AFP correspondents reported.
> "Free the activists... Stop the repression of the people!" one banner read.
> Members of the pro-reform February 20 movement have been jailed in recent months for participating in
> unauthorised protests.
> A protest of around 100 people in Meknès ended in violence when protesters were beaten by police, according
> to an activist.
> Other demonstrations, of up to 200 people, were also reported in the central city of Marrakesh, Tangier,
> the port city on Morocco's north coast, Tetouan and El Jadida, witnesses said.



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