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  • 773
  • 2021/11/26(金) 15:07:16.65
Geneva (AFP) – Covid vaccines reduce
transmission of the dominant Delta variant by about 40 percent,
the WHO said Wednesday,
warning that people were falling into a false sense of security concerning jabs.

The World Health Organization's director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said
many vaccinated people were wrongly thinking the jab meant they no longer needed to take any other precautions.

Fully-immunised people must stick with measures to avoid catching the virus and passing it on,
Tedros insisted, spelling out how the more contagious Delta meant the vaccines were not as effective against transmission.

"We're concerned about the false sense of security
that vaccines have ended the pandemic and
people who are vaccinated do not need to take any other precautions,
" Tedros told reporters.



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