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  • 1
  • 2014/03/05(水) 20:54:20.99
2020年 太陽光発電単価 6円計画達成
さらに余った再エネ電気も、水素蓄電池 次世代自動車蓄電池でためて


  • 558
  • 2023/01/19(木) 22:59:52.61

  • 559
  • 2023/02/02(木) 08:22:38.67

  • 560
  • 2023/02/19(日) 09:21:12.91

  • 561
  • G.E,
  • 2023/02/24(金) 22:57:38.77
Systems with Denitrification Equipment for Coal-Fired
Power Plants Hitz Hitachi Zosen G. Decarbonization
and Reduction Issues with NOx Removal Systems to
the United States, Decarbonization of
Coal-Fired Power Plants, Carbon Neutrality,
Hitachi and the Government of Japan, G.E.

  • 562
  • G.E,
  • 2023/02/28(火) 04:20:14.11

 Hitachi and Toshiba will research and develop
permanent magnet systems, copper wire coils
and permanent magnet generators. Hitachi
will produce in-house power generators
for Tokyo Electric Power Company. Hitachi
and Toshiba develop permanent magnet systems
and copper. Research and development of wire
coil type permanent
magnet generators for TEPCO and power
generation companies.

  • 563
  • G.E,
  • 2023/02/28(火) 04:20:35.78
 Hitachi and Toshiba will research and develop
permanent magnet systems, copper wire coils
and permanent magnet generators. Hitachi
will produce in-house power generators
for Tokyo Electric Power Company. Hitachi
and Toshiba develop permanent magnet systems
and copper. Research and development of wire
coil type permanent
magnet generators for TEPCO and power
generation companies.

  • 564
  • G.E,
  • 2023/03/04(土) 14:42:52.21
Hitz Hitachi Zosen's NOx removal system and G.E Hitz Hitachi Zosen's
denitrification equipment were jointly designed and developed with G.E
and installed in the chimney filter of a coal-fired
power plant in the United States.
It is being researched that CO2 and carbon can be reduced by installing
and introducing filters in the chimneys of coal-fired power plants and
using denitrification equipment. We will arrange it on the spot.
Developed and researched NOx removal system for coal jointly
with Europe and the United States,
It is to reduce the carbon emissions of Euro and American coal.

  • 565
  • G.E,
  • 2023/03/07(火) 12:18:21.34
Systemization of Nox Removal Systems in Coal-Fired Power Plants,
Systemization of Nox Removal Systems in Coal-Fired Power Plant Stacks,
Systemization of Nox Removal Systems in Coal-Fired Power Plants,
Carbon Emissions, Energy Issues, Carbon Systemization of Nox Removal Systems
in Coal-Fired Power Plants. Designed by GE at coal-fired power plants,
Designed by GE at coal-fired power plants, Designed by GE at coal-fired power
plants, Designed by GE at coal-fired power plants, Designed by GE at coal-fired power plants,
Designed by GE at coal-fired power plants, Designed by GE at coal-fired power plants,
Designed by GE at coal-fired power plants, Designed by GE at coal-fired power plants,
Euro coal Designed by thermal power plants, in energy problems, in carbon emissions,
in energy problems, in carbon emissions, in energy problems, in carbon emissions,
in energy problems, in energy problems, in carbon emissions, in energy problems,
in energy problems, in carbon emissions, in energy problems, in energy problems,
in carbon emissions, in energy problems, in energy problems, in carbon emissions,
in energy problems, in energy problems, in in problems, in carbon emissions,
in carbon emissions, in energy problems, in energy problems, in carbon emissions,
in energy problems, in carbon emissions, in energy problems, in energy problems,
in carbon emissions, in energy problems, in energy problems, in energy problems,
in energy problems, in carbon emissions, in energy problems, in energy problems,
in energy problems, in energy problems, in carbon emissions, in energy problems,
in energy problems, in energy problems, in carbon emissions, in energy problems,
in energy problems, in carbon emissions in emissions, in emissions of energy,
in emissions of energy, in carbon emissions

  • 566
  • G.E,
  • 2023/03/07(火) 13:23:24.30
Systemization of Nox Removal Systems in Coal-Fired Power Plants,
Systemization of Nox Removal Systems in Coal-Fired Power Plant Stacks,
Systemization of Nox Removal Systems in Coal-Fired Power Plants,
Carbon Emissions, Energy Issues, Carbon Systemization of Nox Removal Systems
in Coal-Fired Power Plants. Designed by GE at coal-fired power plants,
Designed by GE at coal-fired power plants, Designed by GE at coal-fired power
plants, Designed by GE at coal-fired power plants, Designed by GE at coal-fired power plants,
Designed by GE at coal-fired power plants, Designed by GE at coal-fired power plants,
Designed by GE at coal-fired power plants, Designed by GE at coal-fired power plants,
Euro coal Designed by thermal power plants, in energy problems, in carbon emissions,
in energy problems, in carbon emissions, in energy problems, in carbon emissions,
in energy problems, in energy problems, in carbon emissions, in energy problems,
in energy problems, in carbon emissions, in energy problems, in energy problems,
in carbon emissions, in energy problems, in energy problems, in carbon emissions,
in energy problems, in energy problems, in in problems, in carbon emissions,
in carbon emissions, in energy problems, in energy problems, in carbon emissions,
in energy problems, in carbon emissions, in energy problems, in energy problems,
in carbon emissions, in energy problems, in energy problems, in energy problems,
in energy problems, in carbon emissions, in energy problems, in energy problems,
in energy problems, in energy problems, in carbon emissions, in energy problems,
in energy problems, in energy problems, in carbon emissions, in energy problems,
in energy problems, in carbon emissions in emissions, in emissions of energy,
in emissions of energy, in carbon emissions

  • 567
  • energy issues,
  • 2023/04/08(土) 18:50:18.82
Systematization of NOx removal system,
euro for coal fired power plant
Made by G.E, made by Hitachi Zosen
Systematization of NOx removal system,
For carbon-emitting coal-fired power plants
energy problem,
carbon emissions
energy problem,
Inside the chimney of a coal-fired power plant
systematized carbon emissions,
energy problem,
USD for coal-fired power plants,
In the chimney of a coal-fired power plant,
Systematize your carbon footprint
carbon neutral,
energy issues,
with u.s.a center with china center with
parner ship with system with coal plant with
made from G.E in u.s.a, with system with coal plant
in china, china center with u.s.a, center with
G.E  with system with coal plant in china,
carbon emission, energy issues, with u.s.a, center
with china center, energy issues, co2 emission, )

  • 568
  • u.s.a,
  • 2023/04/20(木) 16:15:35.96
( nox removal system with system with coal plant in china,

with made from hitachi zosen with MHI with

G.E in u.s.a, with u.s.a center with china center with

coal plant in chimney in china, with system with

nox removal system with coal plant in china with u.s.a center,

carbon emission , and carbon newtrale with u.s.a center,

it is system with coal plant in china with u.s.a center,

with u.s.a center with china center,

carbon emission,

it is have take a plan with partner ship with

u.s.a center with china center,

with be to carbon emission with u.s.a with china center,

with G7 with G20, with many country, )

  • 569
  • energy issues,
  • 2023/04/20(木) 16:51:13.58
cogeneration type power generation method,
Hitachi, Toshiba, NEDO, TEPCO
Research and development to create steam with a heater to turn a turbine
A type of power generation method belonging to the field of steam power generation,
Steam power generation instead of nuclear power, using a heater as a heat source,
Other power generation methods are NEDO and TEPCO, Hitachi and Toshiba,
Research and development of cogeneration power plants,
non-nuclear power generation methods,
Another alternative power generation method is
Now that other power generation methods such as this are in demand,
Alternative power generation methods and energy shift
Other power generation methods required for decarbonization include:
Energy decarbonization and shift will
Other power generation methods that can be decarbonized with other power generation methods,
Future decarbonization,
energy problem,

  • 570
  • u.s.a,
  • 2023/04/20(木) 23:20:26.37
The structure resembles a nuclear power plant, but
Heat source is not nuclear power, but heater and cogeneration
For safety, thermoelectric heaters
In addition, if it is an alternative power generation method,
and if it is an alternative power generation method,
No need to emit CO2 or carbon
Cogeneration and heater heat sources emit CO2
No, if such an alternative power generation method is used,
It doesn't matter if it's profitable or costly.
Nuclear power is the cheapest, but the current situation
Rather than a cheap power generation method, rather than
safety and profitability,
It is an alternative power generation method and a power generation
method that does not emit CO2.
If there is an alternative power generation method,
Researching steam power generation using heaters,
Toshiba and G.E as an alternative power generation method for
nuclear power generation
We will study the steam power generation of heaters, but
in this power generation method,
The heat source is a heater, not a nuclear power source,
and is highly safe.
An alternative power generation method, the heat source is
only the heater,
Toshiba, GE, NEDO use steam power generation with heater
as heat source
Research and development as an alternative power generation method,
other power generation methods,
energy problem,

  • 571
  • coal, energy issues,
  • 2023/04/23(日) 13:43:47.28
Systematization of denitrification systems to coal-fired
power plants, systemization of denitrification
systems to coal
with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, 20% of euros still
need coal-fired power,
a method of organizing a coal denitrification system,
US Government, Japanese Government, Euro
Government at G7
Feasible denitrification system from MHI to coal
systematized carbon emissions,
In euros, 20% need coal,
Systematization of coal NOx removal system,
euro, US government, euro government
can be realized,
US and other countries are now using carbon
we're cutting back, we can do it,
Systematization of denitrification equipment for euro coal
Decarbonization, decarbonization can be realized,
decarbonize euro coal,
Decarbonize coal by 2035, Euro,
Can reduce carbon in coal
Let's decarbonize and reduce the carbon in coal.

  • 572
  • coal, energy issues,
  • 2023/04/23(日) 13:44:21.27
Systematization of denitrification systems to coal-fired
 power plants, systemization of denitrification
systems to coal
 with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, 20% of euros still
need coal-fired power,
a method of organizing a coal denitrification system,
US Government, Japanese Government, Euro
Government at G7
Feasible denitrification system from MHI to coal
systematized carbon emissions,
In euros, 20% need coal,
Systematization of coal NOx removal system,
euro, US government, euro government
can be realized,
US and other countries are now using carbon
we're cutting back, we can do it,
Systematization of denitrification equipment for euro coal
Decarbonization, decarbonization can be realized,
decarbonize euro coal,
Decarbonize coal by 2035, Euro,
Can reduce carbon in coal
Let's decarbonize and reduce the carbon in coal.

  • 573
  • NEDO,
  • 2023/05/15(月) 18:06:22.70
Floating offshore wind power should be researched and developed
 by MHI, Equinor, euro, IHI, hitachi, NEDO, and TEPCO,
Floating offshore wind power should be researched and developed
by MHI, IHI, NEDO, and TEPCO, while other power generation methods
should be researched and developed by MHI, IHI, NEDO, and TEPCO.
Floating offshore wind turbines should be researched and developed
 by MHI, IHI, NEDO, and TEPCO,
Floating offshore wind turbines should be researched and developed by MHI,
Akita Prefecture to commercialize floating offshore
wind power generation,
Energy and environmental problems will be alleviated,
Energy and environmental problems will be alleviated,
If floating offshore wind power generation is commercialized
in Akita, energy problems, energy problems, and environmental problems
 will be alleviated. energy problems, and environmental problems will be alleviated,
economic recovery,

  • 574
  • NEDO,
  • 2023/05/20(土) 00:10:09.32
Floating offshore wind power should be researched and developed
by MHI, Equinor, euro, IHI, hitachi, NEDO, and TEPCO,
Floating offshore wind power should be researched and developed
by MHI, IHI, NEDO, and TEPCO, while other power generation methods
should be researched and developed by MHI, IHI, NEDO, and TEPCO.
Floating offshore wind turbines should be researched and developed
Floating offshore wind turbines should be researched and developed by MHI,
Akita Prefecture to commercialize floating offshore
wind power generation,
Energy and environmental problems will be alleviated,
Energy and environmental problems will be alleviated,
If floating offshore wind power generation is commercialized
in Akita, energy problems, energy problems, and environmental problems
will be alleviated. energy problems, and environmental problems will be alleviated,
economic recovery,

  • 575
  • 2023/05/23(火) 23:55:16.83

  • 576
  • 2023/08/15(火) 02:47:51.34


  • 577
  • 2023/07/22(土) 20:40:24.38

  • 578
  • 2023/09/30(土) 18:49:28.55

  • 580
  • 2023/10/18(水) 17:45:18.73

  • 581
  • 2024/03/17(日) 08:42:00.79

  • 582
  • 2024/03/18(月) 09:38:05.90

  • 583
  • 2024/03/23(土) 18:04:08.92

  • 584
  • 2024/03/25(月) 00:29:03.53

  • 585
  • 2024/03/25(月) 14:56:43.70

  • 586
  • 2024/04/29(月) 15:35:30.60

  • 587
  • 2024/04/29(月) 16:06:11.32

  • 588
  • 2024/04/30(火) 09:39:06.18

  • 589
  • 2024/05/01(水) 09:36:45.98

  • 590
  • 2024/08/06(火) 16:39:26.10



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