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  • 1
  • 2012/07/05(木) 12:30:18.66




  • 523
  • carbon emisson, cop28,
  • 2024/04/01(月) 16:58:12.32
Since the Industrial Revolution of 1920,
the world and the Euro have been using coal as a
as fuel to generate electricity.
power generation,
from 1950 until 2010,
for 40 to 50 years.
in part, by coal-fired power plants.
coal-fired power plants,
During the 50 years from 1950-2010
The carbon emissions of coal-fired power plants
and environmental issues.
In the recent cop28, we discussed carbon reductions and other
environmental issues were the theme.
In recent years, the United Kingdom has been the largest producer of offshore wind power in the world.
environmental problems are disappearing,
environmental problems have been eliminated and the country has become an advanced environmental country,
coal carbon emissions,
Coal carbon emissions have been largely reduced.
and most of the carbon emissions from coal have been reduced to zero.
The U.S. has also reduced its coal carbon emissions by 20%.
emissions by 20% in recent years.
Now, carbon reduction measures are being taken by the U.S. government and
government and the U.S. government to take action.
There is also a way to introduce green energy.
The U.S. government and cop28 are working together to reduce carbon
support to reduce carbon emissions.
Countries that are taking measures to reduce carbon emissions and
regions, Asian and Pacific island countries, and other countries.
cop28 can help.
With cop28, countries around the world are working to reduce carbon
carbon emission initiatives.

  • 524
  • cop28,
  • 2024/04/09(火) 18:36:46.09
G.E. In the U.S.A.
A system of measures to reduce carbon
Create, sell, and produce,
Systematize coal chimneys in unit type
A system of carbon reduction measures of a type that can be
Made by MHI-Mitsubishi and Hitachi Zosen,
g.e. Produced in the U.S.A,
Ducted coal chimneys.
ducted chimneys to be installed in coal chimneys.
Install a ducted chimney, in the form of exhaust air passing through it.
system of carbon reduction measures.
system in coal chimneys,
To be compatible with Euro-type coal chimneys,
Install duct type chimneys in coal chimneys
Installation of duct type chimneys in coal chimneys to reduce carbon emissions.
Systematize the system of carbon reduction measures,
g.e Research and development in the U.S.A,
g.e Research in the U.S.A., g.e Research in the U.S.A., g.e
The U.S. government supports carbon reduction,

  • 525
  • 2024/08/21(水) 09:51:39.99
原発コストは太陽光発電の何倍? アメリカの最新試算でわかった驚きの数字 次期基本計画でどうする日本政府



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